Sunday, September 30, 2012

My beloved Savannah Danielle Clark

So the day is fast approaching- the four year anniversary of my little sister's death. I can't believe its been four years now. In just a few short months she would be 21. Wow, 21 years old. She was 17 years old when she decided that life was too hard to live, and she didn't have enough to live for. The sad thing is that so so many of us feel this way at 17 or 14, or whatever age it is. But few of us actually take steps to do anything about it.

I don't have that much to say cause its too hard, still. But someday I think, I will do my part to help use her story for the glory of God. That's what she would have wanted anyway. Until then, I will just have to spend every moment of everyday, loving, missing, and thinking of her.. and awaiting our reunion in heaven. With Jesus.

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