Sunday, September 30, 2012

It's beginning to look a lot like.. FALL!

We began taking Jonny on walks here in Carlisle, PA, now that's its gotten a little less hot. Most days now its around 70 in the early evening and its a fun tradition and way to be active as a family and get quality time with just US, since we're living with my husband's parents for another month. We enjoy every minute together and my next project is going to buy some yummy MINT hot chocolate and some disposable cups so I can make us hot chocolate on cold days. Its getting really beautiful here. I was explaining to Jonathan that being from South Florida, I don't know if there is such thing as being "a nature girl." Its really just "beach girl" "surfer" "tanner" etc. Anything OUTDOORS involves WATER naturally. But I am definitely a sucker for fall. Wearing scarves, drinking hot drinks, smelling cookouts, outdoor evening little boys football games, UGGs; it just doesn't get any better. And now WALKS! with my two BOYS! Yesterday we dressed Jonny in a new sweatshirt that I got him for the cold, and silly me thought 12 months size would give him some room to grow! But whoops! Even as a 6 month old, there's just not much room to grow in the future! Oh well! Itll be comfy while it lasts!

Cuddling with my da-da

Its getting really pretty out! Our view from our "walks"

Everyday we go on a 30 minute walk in the evening before bed, and I just sit silently sucking away on my binky, loving every second of it! IF it isn't too chilly me, mommy, and daddy go on the swings at the park!

My new jammies for the cold weather!

My new coat and pant set from Grandma Brenda!

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